
Surprise! I am a PhD student with Hobbies. I know it is rare to find a scientist that has time to enjoy life outside of their work, but it is possible! I use this website as a platform to record my activities, so feel free to look and scroll through them.

Writing Proza's

Let me say briefly that I am a man with opinions. In order to get well-argumented opinions, you need to write them down. See it this way; Stefan Zweig would have never been able to make such compelling stories if he had kept them in his head... So that is what I will be doing. Write. Putting my opinions out there, getting involved in society, and hoping for the best it is not total bullshit. 

Luckily, you can check it out yourself (most of it is in Dutch though..): 


I like public speaking. I have done so from an early stage in life. In my final year at high school, I closed the annual Science Day with a 60-minute lecture on black holes. And I still enjoy teaching and speaking in public. This year, for instance, I gave a talk at the Pint of Science event in Munich, where I spoke about the evolution and origins of the large-scale structures in our Universe. 

Furthermore, for high-school kids, I created a practicum that teaches them to use Python to analyze real astronomical data. This exercise, on a transit of an exoplanet, can be found here! Be aware the notebook is written in Dutch...


In my studies, I focussed a lot on developing my technical skills. Luckily, this allowed me to play around with Neural Networks and other algorithms. For instance, we taught a cheetah to run as quickly as possible, balance a pole on a cart while pushing it around, and beat all our friends with a game of Hex

If you want to check out all my projects, just move to my GitHub!


Although I live in Munich, I haven't tried the Eisbach yet. But either way, I enjoy a dive in the water with my surfboard. Check, for instance, this clip we made! We bought a campervan at the beginning of summer to sell it again when we completed our tour through Europe.


I love making music, listening to music, feeling music, experiencing music. I just love it. With Covid at a current low point, we can go again to festivals, concerts, and small live performances. Let's hope it stays this way, because gosh, I love it!


If you want to know what it means to be human then there is no better school, outside of life itself, than literature. Reading is a passion of mine. I read Literature, old and new, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Non-fiction, Faction, name it. If you enjoy reading as much as I do, please contact me and send me your favourite book. I would love to take a look.